American Vintage Bicycles

American Vintage Bicycles

Collecting American Vintage bicycles is a hobby many people don’t understand until they’re deeply immersed in their newly-forming obsession. Even those who love bicycles and bicycling, as I do, don’t know much about the world of classic bicycles. It seems we’re too busy concentrating on the newest or latest bicycling fads, equipment, and technology.

After starting my first website about Bicycles and Bicycling, I’ve discovered a whole new world of cycling with vintage and old bicycles. After bidding on my first vintage bike on eBay, this beautiful Elgin bicycle, I was hooked.


American Vintage Bicycles Topics

With the world’s obsession with the newest, latest, and greatest gadgets, people often overlook the beauty and nostalgia associated with classic or vintage items such as cars, motorcycles, and bicycles.

These vintage items can be rare or difficult to find. Still, they are beautiful, interesting, valuable, and sure to pique your interest when you delve into the world of vintage and classic bicycles.

American Vintage bicycles are beautiful and romantic. They spark feelings of nostalgia that take us back to “the good old days” of our childhood. They are an example of fine engineering, beautiful design, and amazing craftsmanship.

Classic bicycles are made of the highest quality materials available for bicycles at the time, so they’re quite heavy, but they will last for years to come. Also, many bicycles, particularly those considered to be antique, were made by hand. This type of craftsmanship is nearly impossible to find today.

If you’re interested in the world of American vintage and classic bicycles, or you’re looking to become involved with this fascinating realm of cycling, you have come to the right place. It’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the world of American vintage bicycles!



American Vintage Bicycles Topics

Bicycle History – Collecting vintage bicycles may be costly but their worth is priceless. Read here about the bicycle history and antique, vintage, and classic bicycles.

American Vintage Bicycles – American vintage bicycles are some of the most hotly collected antiques and vintage items in existence. Understand what’s behind current-day American-made bicycles.

Vintage Bicycle Manufacturers – In this section, you will find valuable information about all major American vintage bicycle manufacturers and classic bicycle brands. Get to know them before you make your choice.

Vintage Bicycle Parts – Vintage bicycle parts define what a vintage bicycle is really about. Learn how few unique parts are making vintage bicycles so nostalgic to many people.

Bicycle Restoration Projects – Vintage bicycle restoration is a complex task. Read this guide and learn how to repair and restore your classic bicycle.

Vintage Bicycles for Sale – There are many vintage bicycles for sale, but buying them is still a complex task. Read this guide and learn where and how to buy a classic bicycle.

Vintage Bicycles Q&A – Share your story. let vintage bicycle experts and other visitors help you find information about your vintage bike maker, age, and value.

Foreign Vintage Bicycles – Many foreign vintage bicycles are highly collectible in their own right. European bikes diverged from American bikes, and each type has its fans.

Vintage Tricycles – Collecting vintage tricycles is a new trend. Read here about old tricycles such as the Radio Flyer tricycles and Schwinn tricycles.

Selected American Vintage Bicycles

1934 Schwinn Aerocycle Bicycle Restored (New - 24500 USD)1934 Schwinn Aerocycle Bicycle Restored
(New - 24500 USD)
Legnano (built by Bianchi) Maurizio Fondriest 1988 Road Bicycle. 56cm (19200 USD)Legnano (built by Bianchi) Maurizio Fondriest 1988 Road Bicycle. 56cm
(19200 USD)
Vintage JP Weigle 56cm Special Road Show Bicycle Campagnolo Record C Delta Brake (14999.99 USD)Vintage JP Weigle 56cm Special Road Show Bicycle Campagnolo Record C Delta Brake
(14999.99 USD)
1890's Iver Johnson Bicycle cycles Fire Arms & Cycle Works Trust the truss sign (13995 USD)1890's Iver Johnson Bicycle cycles Fire Arms & Cycle Works Trust the truss sign
(13995 USD)

How to Restore Your Collector Bicycle
Classic American Bicycles
Classic Schwinn Bicycles

“Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of bike riding”
John F. Kennedy