Menotomy Vintage Bicycles

Menotomy Vintage Bicycles is a private company that was established in 1995, mainly as a bicycle dealer. This company deals with recumbent bicycle, performance bike, bike accessories, Giant bicycles and Raleigh bikes etc. All spare parts and accessories of vintage bicycles are supplied by this company.

Menotomy is the name of the village from where the company’s owner Vin Vullo belongs. Later the name of the village changed to Arlington. Two years ago, Vullo moved his internet-based business of vintage bicycles to mortar and brick stores. In the mid-1990s, Vullo launched his business of vintage bicycles. He also runs a business of software consulting.

About Menotomy Vintage Bicycles

This company is situated at 201 Monsignor O’Brien Highway, in the basement of Cambridge Antique Market, Cambridge, MA, US. The is their official website. It provides a wide range of different vintage bicycle accessories and spare parts, which is the biggest source of getting older stuff related to bicycles.

Menotomy is dealing mainly with used bicycles: vintage and old bikes, as well as with some newer bikes. Ironically, the main business of Menotomy vintage bicycles is not vintage bicycles: most of its customers are commuters and college students, who require reliable and inexpensive bicycles for going to work, school, or riding. The company also provides vintage bicycles for decorations in store windows, photo shoots, theater sets, and movies.

Menotomy Vintage Bicycles has designated pickers who have the responsibility of picking up vintage bicycles all over the world. They have links with different businesses, so potential clients contact them when they do estate cleanouts.

Did you know…?

Did you know that Menotomy Vintage Bicycles also rents out props for movies?

Their bicycles have been featured in recent Hollywood films such as The Town, directed by Ben Affleck and Ted by Seth McFarlane.

If you’re a film fan, try and purchase the vintage bicycle models featured in these movies – think of the bragging rights you’ll have when your friends see the bicycle.

Old Bicycles vs. Vintage Bicycles

Menotomy is taking old and vintage bicycles and preparing them to be used by commuters. As vintage bikes are typically heavier, Menotomy is taking off the old bikes all the extra parts that add weight, such as chain guards, fenders, racks, etc. This makes these bicycles simple and easy to ride by commuters of all ages.

Vin Vullo on YouTube

Take a look at one of Vin Vullo’s videos. There are many more quality clips made by Vin.

“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”
Bill Cosby

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