Vintage Tricycles

RARE Vintage Montgomery Ward Hawthorne Tricycle Bicycle Bike 3 Wheeler Paperboy (Used - 595 USD)
RARE Vintage Montgomery Ward Hawthorne Tricycle Bicycle Bike 3 Wheeler Paperboy
(Used - 595 USD)

Collecting vintage tricycles has increased significantly in popularity in the past several years. Many popular bicycle manufacturers created stylish tricycles throughout their previous production phases, offering collectors an interesting variety of makes and models to choose from. Tricycles are available in models from the pre-1900s onward, allowing collectors to round out their collections no matter their specialty.

Did you know…?

VERY RARE EVANS Police Ride On Tricycle Bicycle Pedal Car 100% Original Colson (Used - 3500 USD)

Did you know that the very first tricycle may have been powered using hand cranks?

Historians have found evidence that the world’s first tricycle was built by a German man in 1680 who was paralyzed from the waist down. It incorporated a three-wheeled design to help him maintain his balance and was powered by two-hand cranks.

110 years later, the Frenchmen Blanchard and Maguire independently developed the first incarnation of the modern pedal-powered tricycle.

Sample Tricycles (Both Vintage and New)

Here you will find some articles about vintage tricycles. If you are looking for information about other classic American bicycles, you are invited to visit the page about vintage bicycles.

Big Wheel Tricycle

Vintage Tricycles

The Big Wheel tricycle is considered a must-have for many parents hoping to instill the love of bike riding in their children. Read more…

Radio Flyer Tricycle

Vintage Tricycles

A Radio Flyer tricycle is one of the most sought collectibles from the classic era of bicycle manufacturing. These models are still being manufactured today due to their overwhelming popularity with collectors and parents looking for a bike that is easy to introduce to children learning to ride.

Red Tricycle

Vintage Tricycles

A red tricycle is a classic piece that every bike collector should have in their collection. There are a variety of makes and models available. Read more…

Schwinn Tricycle

Vintage Tricycles

A Schwinn tricycle is a very popular collector’s item for bicycle enthusiasts. The Schwinn brand is well-known in bicycle sales and collecting circles. Read ahead…

Wooden Tricycle

Vintage Tricycles

A wooden tricycle has been a part of the bicycle collecting world since the late 1860s. Nowadays many companies are offering new and refurbished versions of a classic wooden tricycle for enthusiasts to enjoy.

Used Tricycles

Vintage Tricycles

Buying used tricycles is a great way to get a vintage bike without having to pay more than the trike is worth. You can find several bicycles online from many makers and eras that can help you round out your collection.

Trek Tricycles

Vintage Tricycles

Trek tricycles have been designed with little ones in mind for decades. Trek bikes are some of the newer models in collector’s circles, making them popular with those who would like to invest in models that will grow in popularity and value

Murray Tricycle

Vintage Tricycles

A Murray tricycle is one of the most famous and sought-after tricycles when it comes to the world of vintage tricycles and bicycles. These tricycles still fetch a great price in mint condition and they’re so much fun to add to a collection.

Antique Tricycles

Vintage Tricycles

Antique tricycles are very popular today among bicycle, tricycle, and antique enthusiasts. The reason for their popularity is that tricycles are almost as early an invention as bicycles.

Classic Tricycle Manufacturers


One of the most popular bicycle brands for riders and collectors is Schwinn. Vintage and antique tricycles from many classic eras are still being produced, so collectors will need to determine if they would like a new model or a vintage piece that they will upkeep and restore. A classic Schwinn trademark is the brightly colored frame with high arching details that make it an attractive showpiece as well as comfortable to ride.

Western Auto Supply

Western Auto Supply is most known for producing the Western Flyer bicycle line. This included several attractive tricycles that are worth a great deal on the collectors market. Western Flyers were known for constantly providing innovations to frame style and handling, making them easier to ride and more suitable for long-term riders. Because of this, there is a great deal of variety from model to model.

Big Wheel

Big Wheels are often overlooked because they are a less expensive brand offering a plastic frame rather than metal or wood. However, these bikes are growing in popularity once again, making them valuable collector’s pieces. Those interested in classic tricycles can easily find a Big Wheel in good condition to round out their collection.


Trek bicycles are not commonly associated with offering vintage bicycles because their line of modern sportbikes is so popular, but there are several vintage models that are ideal for rounding out any collection. Trek offers a few tricycle models that are ideal for new riders to help them learn how to control a bike without help. With such a distinct building style, a Trek cycle is sure to fit in with any collection.

Collecting American Classic Tricycles

Collecting vintage tricycles has become increasingly popular amongst bike dealers today. Most well-known bicycle brands offer a trademark tricycle that will fit into any collection. Shopping online can help you find tricycles from any vintage or maker so you can easily find new pieces that are offered at a great price, offering plenty of room to purchase more pieces later.

Those who are interested in buying vintage models that are very old may find that it is difficult to find tricycles online that are in mint condition at a reasonable price. If you are willing to put in a bit of work to restore old tricycles you can wind up with a high-quality piece that is sure to turn heads. Most American classic bicycle manufacturers offer replacement parts and helpful guides that you can use to help get your vintage bikes back to their prime condition.

Whether you are a newcomer to the bicycle collecting world or you have been collecting for years, vintage tricycles are sure to offer plenty of sales appeal for your collection.

RARE Vintage Montgomery Ward Hawthorne Tricycle Bicycle Bike 3 Wheeler Paperboy (Used - 595 USD)
RARE Vintage Montgomery Ward Hawthorne Tricycle Bicycle Bike 3 Wheeler Paperboy
(Used - 595 USD)

Recommended Books About Vintage Tricycles

More information about vintage tricycles can be found in several informative books. Take a look:


 Vintage Tricycles
 Vintage Tricycles


“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”
Bill Cosby

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